Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thank You Notes: How to Show Your Appreciation

Thank you notes are a simple way to connect with your clients. However, it is more than just sitting down and writing your thanks. You’ll have to do it properly and give your messages a little more thought so that recipients don’t think or feel that the note was just an afterthought. Don’t miss the chance to express genuine appreciation.

Here are a few tips on how to avoid sounding generic so that your message does not become a one-size fits all.

     Sit down and write it. Then, send it out as soon as possible. Delays will make your clients think that you’ve got something better to do – an impression you don’t want to make.

     Use quality card, paper and pen. Writing your note using a computer printout will make people think it’s just a form letter. Use a real stamp - no metered or bulk postage.

     Use personal greetings. You’re trying to make a connection so impersonal greetings are a minus. Additionally, use your client’s name for that added personal touch.

     Start with the thank you, then specify what you’re thanking the client for. Broad statements like “we thank you for your business” can be too general. When possible, refer to how long they have been with your company or the particular service or product they bought from your firm.

     Next, tell the clients how their patronage has helped your company and how their own referrals has helped your company. End your message with your hope that they will continue to enjoy doing business with you and that their feedback helps you to provide better products and services. 

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